Alameda County First Time Home Buyer Assistance through AC Boost

AC Boost 10 Step Application & Closing Process

AC Boost 10 Step Application & Closing Process

AC Boost is a down payment assistance loan program designed to help households afford to buy a home in Alameda County.

The program provides loans that are intended to bring home-ownership within reach of households who would otherwise not be able to afford a home. AC Boost provides loans of up to $210,000 (depending on buyer income and need). Loans are interest free and have no monthly payment during the time that a household owns their home. Instead, the program requires repayment only when (1) the home is sold, (2) when the owner would like to take cash out of the home in a refinance  (3) the owner no longer wishes to occupy the home or (4) when the 30-year loan term ends. At time of payoff, the owner repays the amount that they borrowed plus a proportional share of the increase in the value of their home. 

For example: if the AC Boost loan was for 15% of the home purchase price, the homeowner would repay the original loan amount plus 15% of any increase in the home’s value.

For more information visit and APPLY by August 30th here.

TL Smith, MPA

TL Smith, MPA is a Bay Area native, wife, mother, Realtor, City of Oakland Commissioner, and Cannabis Industry Professional with a Masters in Public Policy and Urban Development.

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